Our Mission
To maintain the customer needs maintaining quality and timely completion of projects ensuring conservation and developing eco-friendly environment. To maintain cordial relations with the suppliers/ service providers.
Continuous improvements in the process by minimizing wastage and adopting enhanced safety norms.
KBR Infratech Limited is committed to achieve an annual turn over of Rs.425 crores up to 2018-19 with the dedicated services
of experienced and qualified engineers and professionals to meet the challenge in different fields and achieve the target.

Organization Structure
KBR Infratech is a limited Company which comprises of Board of Directors with one of them as Managing Director. He is assisted by a team of qualified and experienced professionals in their specific field assisted by supporting staff.

Key Executives

K. Babu Raju
Managing Director
Shri K. BabuRaju, 50 Years, B.Sc, B.Ed., MBA, Managing Director and founder of KBR Infratech Limited has over 26 years of eventful experience in Civil Construction Field. His fundamentals of hardwork, honesty and principles of ‘Customer First’ have laid a very strong foundation for the group. A simple, approachable person with a big heart is how you can describe him the best. Always aiming to achieve greater heights, receptive to new ideas, taking initiatives, looking at things in new ways are his strengths.His elegance, practicality, self confidence, individual identity, style of operation are worth emulating. His values, discipline, systematic approach, uncluttered mind and vision are always a source of inspiration . Has been conferred many awards and recognitions in his illustrious business career.
Those who know him say BabuRaju doesn’t wear his pedigree on his sleeve.

Smt. K. Rajeshwari, 44 years BA, Director, has more than 13 years of experience in the field and assists in the administrative and establishment matters of the company.

Independent Director
Shri. D.N Reddy, Independent Director, is a B.Tech (Civil Engg) graduate from Regional Engineering College, Warangal, now known as National Institute of Technology and has more than 36 years of experience in different positions in managerial cadre including planning, execution, monitoring, budgetary cost control, quality survey, technical auditing, tendering, procurement and implementation of fast track projects in infrastructure, highways, industrial and institutional buildings, civil construction activities in power projects and water supply management, development of sites. He has expertise to manage multiple roles aimed at improving client relationship and closely monitoring the construction team which enable timely completion of projects to the satisfaction of the client.

Chief Operating Officer
Shri V.Rajagopalan, 61 years, a Civil Engineering Graduate from I.I.T. Madras has over 38 years of site execution experience in Organisations like N.T.P.C., Jindal Steel, Shapoorji Pallonji, Maytas, BGR and GMR infrastructure Ltd. He has managed civil and structural works of Power projects,Integrated Steel Plants, Integrated townships, Multistoreyed buildings, commercial complexes, I.T. Parks etc. As the COO of the Company, he takes care of Site Operations.

R. K. Saxena
General Manager
Shri. R.K. Saxena, 71 years, Graduate in Mechanical Engineering joined Central Engineering Service (Roads) in 1982. He has more than 34 years experience in construction equipments specifically used in highways. He is faculty member of IRC and NITHE for more than 10 years. He has been the member of The Committees and Revision of Specification for Road and Bridge works of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and Ministry of Rural Road Development. He has written more than 10 technical papers on various topics pertaining to construction equipments, which have been published in Indian Highways and other magazines. He has prepared the Manual on Rural Road Construction Equipments, assigned by National Rural Road Development Agency under Rural Road Development Ministry, Govt. of India. Presently, he is looking after the duties of General Manager (Procurement & Corporate activities) in the company.

GeneralManager (Technical)
Shri S Gnanashekar, General Manager, 57 years, is a graduate in civil Engineering and joined the P & T Department in 1980. He has 35 years experience in Planning, Construction and Maintenance of building & towers. He served in the capacity Executive Engineer. He joined KBR Infratech Limited in 2013 in the capacity of General Manager takes care of all the technical matters.

GeneralManager (Technical)
Shri. S. Hariharan, 67 years, is a graduate in Civil Engineering and post graduate in ME, Public Health Engineering having worked 40 years in different categories as Assistant Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer and Executive Engineer and retired during the year 2008. After retirement worked in a multinational company, CDM Smith as Construction Supervision Specialist for the UGD project in North Karnataka for 6 years upto Jan’2015. He has managed the execution of several Water Supply schemes, Under Ground Drainage projects, Bridges, Roads. Presently, he is looking after the duties of General Manager (Planning & Corporate activities) in the company.

GeneralManager (Electrical)
Shri H. A. Lakshminarasimha, 62 years of age joined KPCL during the year 1979 and worked in the capacity from Asst. Engineer to Superintending Engineer (Electrical) in a span of about 38 years has vast experience in Thermal Power Plants. Retired from KPCL during Feb’2016. Joined KBR Infratech Limited during April’2016 as General Manager for Electrical works and the processing and application of new tenders.

GeneralManager (Finance)
Shri. B. G. Patil, 61 years is a graduate, joined State Bank of Mysore in the year 1977, worked 39 years in the Bank in all major Departments with specialisation in the concerned areas/Departments of the Bank, retired as Assistant General Manager in the month of July’2015. He joined KBR Infratech Limited in Oct’2015 as General Manager Finance and involved in the operation related to Finance and General Administration.